Itchy & Scratchy
Hall of Fame (and Shame)

(Revised 07/17/24 - Updates in yellow)


Division Titles
1997 Jason's Argonauts Beast of the East 1997
1998 Terry Bulls Burbank Mallers 1998
1999 Willie's Wonkas Clydesdales 1999
2000 Willie's Wonkas Cool Cats (Ghost Riders) 2000
2001 Jason's Argonauts Clydesdales 2001
2002 Jason's Argonauts Burbank Mallers 2002
2003 Elva Tigers Cool Cats (Ghost Riders) 2003
2004 Willie's Wonkas Burbank Mallers 2004
2005 Saxamaniacs OneBadBelizean 2005
2006 Willie's Wonkas Burbank Mallers 2006
2007 Saxamaniacs OneBadBelizean 2007
2008 Jason's Argonauts OneBadBelizean 2008
2009 Jason's Argonauts Desert Monsters 2009
2010 Saxamaniacs Beast of the East 2010
2011 Willie's Wonkas Burbank Mallers 2011
2012 Saxamaniacs Monte Pythons 2012

Division Titles - Post Annual Realignments
2013 Jason's Argonauts Burbank Mallers
2014 Jason's Argonauts Desert Monsters 2014
2015 Saxamaniacs Burbank Mallers 2015
2016 Saxamaniacs Burbank Mallers 2016
2017 Jason's Argonauts Burbank Mallers 2017
2018 Saxamaniacs OneBadBelizean 2018
2019 Jason's Argonauts OneBadBelizean 2019
2020 OneBadBelizean Dick's Sporting Goods 2020
2021+ OneBadBelizean Jason's Argonauts 2021+
2022 Saxamaniacs OneBadBelizean 2022
2023 Ghost Riders OneBadBelizean 2023
2024 Your Team Here Your Team Here 2024
+ Begin 18-week seasons

Best Season Record

'20 OneBadBelizean - 14-2-1
'02 Jason's Argonauts - 14-3-0


'21 Jasons Argonauts - 14-4-0
(28 pts)
'22 Saxamaniacs - 13-3-2
(28 pts)

Season Con-Points

'05 OneBadBelizean - 1599

Season Con-Points

'21 Jason's Argonauts - 1580

Longest Win Streak
Single Season:

'20 OneBadBelizean - 13
'02 Jason's Argonauts - 10

Multiple Seasons:

'01/02 Jason's Argonauts - 11

Longest Undefeated Streak
Single Season:

'20 OneBadBelizean - 14

Highest Game Scores
13-game Schedule
(91 points):

'17 Hooters - 91
'12 Hooters - 91

Highest Game Scores
14-game Schedule

(105 points):

'02/'08 Willie's Wonkas - 105
'06/'12 Burbank Mallers - 105

Highest Game Scores
15-game Schedule
(120 points):

'19 Burbank Mallers - 120
'19 Ghost Riders - 117

Highest Game Scores
16-game Schedule
(136 points):

'05 Jason's Argonauts - 135

Most High-Points Games
in a Season (17 weeks):

'16 Saxamaniacs - 6  

(18 weeks):

'22 Ghost Riders - 6

Most High-Points Games
in an 18-week Season with lowest number of Wins:

'23 Burbank Mallers - 5 (with 6 wins) 

Most Tie High-Point Scores
in a Single Week:

'19 - 4 teams:


I&S League Championships:
Season Year/s Team
01 1997/98 Willie's Wonkas
02 1998/99 Willie's Wonkas
03 1999/00 Willie's Wonkas
04 2000/01 Willie's Wonkas
05 2001/02 Jason's Argonauts
06 2002/03 Burbank Mallers
07 2003/04 Jason's Argonauts
08 2004/05 Willie's Wonkas
09 2005/06 Jason's Argonauts
10 2006/07 Burbank Mallers
11 2007/08 OneBadBelizean
12 2008/09 Jason's Argonauts
13 2009/10 Saxamaniacs
14 2010/11 Beast of the East
15 2011/12 Willie's Wonkas
16 2012/13 Monte Pythons
17 2013/14 Burbank Mallers
18 2014/15 Jason's Argonauts
19 2015/16 Saxamaniacs
20 2016/17 Willie's Wonkas
21 2017/18 Jason's Argonauts
22 2018/19 Jason's Argonauts
23 2019/20 Jason's Argonauts
24+ 2020/23 OneBadBelizean
25 2021/22 Jason's Argonauts
26 2022/23 OneBadBelizean
27 2023/24 Saxamaniacs
28 2024/25 Your Team Here
+ 13-game Playoffs begin

Most Playoff Points Scored

'16 Willie's Wonkas - 282
(with bonus points) '16 Willie's Wonkas - 270
(without bonus points)

Most Playoff Points Scored

'22 OneBadBelizean - 297.5
(with bonus points) '22 Jason's Argonauts - 272
(without bonus points)

Triple Crown Winners
(best regular season record +
most con-points +
playoff winner):

'08, '17, & '21 Jason's Argonauts '04 & '11 Willie's Wonkas '20 OneBadBelizean

Most Playoff Win-Picks
(11 games):

'16 Willie's Wonkas: 11 of 11

Most Playoff Win-Picks
(13 games):

''23 Burbank Mallers: 12 of 13

Largest Playoff
Win Margin
(11 games):

'12 Monte Pythons (52)

Largest Playoff
Win Margin
(13 games):

'22 Onebadbelizean (18.5)

Smallest Playoff
Win Margin (11 games):

'03 Burbank Mallers over Argos (0.5 point)

Smallest Playoff
Win Margin (13 games):

'20 OneBadBelizean over Mallers (0.5 point)


Worst Season Record

'02 The Hooters - 2-14-1

Worst Season Record

'22 The Hooters - 1-17-0 '21 Beast of the East - 1-16-1

Lowest Confidence Points
for a Season:

'97 Killer Gabbees - 1106.0

Longest Losing Streak
(single season):

'21 Beast of the East - 15

Longest Losing Streak
(multiple seasons):

'21 Beast of the East - 22

Longest Winless Streak
(multiple seasons):

'21 Beast of the East - 23

Lowest Game Score
16-game schedule
(136 points):

'20 Desert Monsters - 0 '06 OneBadBelizean - 34

Lowest Game Score
15-game schedule
(120 points):

'19 Beast of the East - 31 '16 The Hooters - 39

Lowest Game Score
14-game schedule
(105 points):

'15 Beast of the East - 22 '12 OneBadBelizean - 18
(with forfeit)

Lowest Game Score
13-game schedule
(91 points):

'01 Cool Cats - 12


Worst Season Against
Own Division:

'03 Beast of the East - 0-12-0


Lowest Playoff Points Scored
With Bonus Points
(11 games):

'18 The Hooters - 104.8 '07 Desert Monsters - 105.0* * Forfeit involved

Lowest Playoff Points Scored
Without Bonus Points
(11 games):

'18 The Hooters - 88.8 '07 Desert Monsters - 97.0* * Forfeit involved

Least Playoff Win-Picks
(11 games):

'18 The Hooters: 3 of 11 '18 Beast of the East: 3 of 11 '13 Willie's Wonkas: 3 of 11

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